Legal Warning
Information about the e-Office or website
The owner of this website is Ignasi Solé Fornons with NIF 78049023-H, hereinafter HOTEL SOLÉ, with headquarters at Avinguda de l’Estació 44, 25500 La Pobla de Segur (Lleida). The contact telephone number is 973 680 452.
HOTEL SOLÉ has its electronic headquarters on the website”, without prejudice to the fact that punctually or permanently there may be other addresses that also allow access to the contents and services provided through the HOTEL SOLÉ website.
Protection of intellectual property rights
The contents and graphic elements that are part of the website are the exclusive property of HOTEL SOLÉ or of third natural or legal persons who have authorized their use.
The contents of the website are subject to intellectual property, with the exceptions provided for in article 13 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law.
Therefore, any use or reproduction that users make of these contents, or others that may be included in the future, must be made in accordance with the provisions and respecting the limitations of said regulations.
The owner explicitly reserves rights in general with respect to all the contents disseminated on the website that are subject to intellectual property.
The personal and private use of the contents of this website is permitted, which is appropriate and adjusted to the purpose of this electronic office, specified in the previous section of this legal notice.
However, in certain cases, the owner of HOTEL SOLÉ may explicitly indicate that it is necessary to request express authorization. In these cases, the corresponding request must be sent in writing to:
Station Avenue, nº 44
25500 La Pobla de Segur (Lleida)
Under no circumstances may the following be authorised:
- The presentation of a page of the website in a window that does not belong to HOTEL SOLÉ by framing.
- The insertion of an image displayed on the website on a page that does not belong to HOTEL SOLÉ through in line linking. The extraction of elements from the website that cause damage to HOTEL SOLÉ in accordance with current provisions.
- The commercial use of the contents of the website HOTEL SOLÉ.
- The use of trademarks or distinctive signs, logos and in general distinctive symbols of any nature, property of HOTEL SOLÉ, without the knowledge and corresponding authorization of the same.
HOTEL SOLÉ reserves the right to institute the appropriate actions, procedures and precautionary measures, provided for in intellectual property legislation, in relation to the commission of infringements of intellectual property regulations, by users. Infractions committed as a result of the fraudulent use of the information and contents of the HOTEL SOLÉ website may entail the sanctions legally provided, especially in the Criminal Code (articles 270 and following).
Protection of personal data
- A) Data collected through forms
If you provide your personal data through this e-Office, the processing thereof is subject to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, and other applicable regulations.
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The owner only processes the personal data of users of the electronic office that are adequate, relevant and not excessive for the fulfillment of the purpose of properly attending to users and in relation to the exercise of their own functions, for the purposes of the provisions of the principle of quality (article 4 of the LOPD).
If you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in relation to your personal data processed by HOTEL SOLÉ under the terms and conditions provided in title III of the LOPD, you can contact:
Station Avenue, nº 44
25500 La Pobla de Segur (Lleida)
In accordance with the provisions of article 24 of the LOPD Regulations, you can make your requests for access, rectification, cancellation, reinstallation or opposition using other means, provided that these allow you to prove the sending and receipt of the application and that said request contains the elements specified in article 25.1 of the RLOPD.
- B) Browsing data
The navigation system and software necessary for the operation of this website collect, as standard, some data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This category of data includes the IP address or domain name of the computer used by the user to connect to the website, the URL address of the requested resource, the time, the method used to query the server, the size of the file obtained in the response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response to the server, and other parameters related to the operating system of the user’s computer environment.
This information is not associated with specific users and is used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information about the use of the HOTEL SOLÉ website.
In its electronic headquarters, HOTEL SOLÉ uses cookies or other similar means for data processing such as Google Analytics and similar. You can get more information about cookies on our page: Cookies policy.
The use of these means is reserved exclusively to collect technical information to facilitate users accessibility and safe and efficient exploration of the electronic office of HOTEL SOLÉ
Responsibility in relation to the contents
HOTEL SOLÉ works so that the information, contents and services offered or disseminated on its website sufficiently comply with the necessary integrity, veracity, updating, accessibility and usability of said information, said contents and services. For this purpose, the update date indicated in each case must be taken into account for each of the contents.
In this sense, HOTEL SOLÉ reserves the right to modify the contents of the website and eliminate them, as well as to limit or prevent access, whether temporary or permanent, without prior notice.
HOTEL SOLÉ is not responsible for the information or contents of other web pages to which it refers or with which the portal of HOTEL SOLÉ links. However, in accordance with the provisions of Recommendation 1/2008 on the dissemination of information containing personal data over the Internet, links to other websites are periodically reviewed in order to avoid the inclusion of links that do not comply with data protection regulations, as well as other current regulations.